I offer a safe, confidential space where you can talk about yourself and the things that are troubling you and perhaps stopping you from getting the most out of life. I give you the opportunity to think and talk about your concerns and issues. I offer online (Zoom) and telephone counselling.
Just as we can heal physically, we can also heal emotionally. I will not make judgements about you or how you live your life. My role is to listen to how you are feeling and support you in making the changes you would like to make in your life that are right for you.
Counsellors do not ‘have all the answers’, however we support you in finding your own solutions, as you are the only person to know what is right for yourself and YOUR life. I will help you identify your own personal strengths and resources and work out how you can best move forward using these.
I offer one to one counselling and group counselling. Group sessions offer a chance for members to explore and deal with similar issues together, to listen, learn and share their experiences, conflicts and problems in a safe and confidential environment.
How can counselling help?
- Therapy can help provide awareness of current coping difficulties in certain situations.
- It can help you see how someone’s behaviour can impact on you, your thoughts and behaviours.
- Develop more constructive behaviours, ie become more assertive/able to stand up for yourself, become less reactive.
- Reduce tension, anxiety, depression.
- Realise your own goals, how you’d like to achieve them and developing your decision-making skills.
- Increase motivation.
- Learning to stay with your ‘uncomfortable’ feelings without them becoming too overwhelming.
- Quality time to work understanding you, allowing you to become your best self.
“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu